
Agenda for Minera Community Council July 2021Meeting

Agendas Uploaded on July 19, 2021

Agenda for Minera Community Council Meeting on Wednesday 21st July 2021

7.15 pm, by video conference


1          Present

2          Apologies

3         Declarations of interest

4          Ratification of minutes of last meeting

5          Matters arising (10mins)

6          Attenuation ditches at Eversley Court

7          Police report

8          To receive Minera Community Council Chair’s report (15 mins)

9          To receive County Borough Councillor’s report (15 mins)

10        School Governor’s report, including appointment of a further Governor by Minera CC

11        Community Agent’s report

12        Correspondence – summary of items received

13        Grants and donations

14        Social media strategy

15        Financial matters

16        Planning matters – to consider items received from Chief Planning Officer


This meeting will be held via Zoom videoconference. Any resident wishing to attend all or

part of the meeting should contact the Clerk for the necessary details.     07506 205907